Genital Surgery (Aesthetics)

Genital Surgery (Aesthetics)

Genital Surgery (Aesthetics) is used to achieve the desired appearance of the vagina. Thus, the necessary steps are taken for you to achieve permanent results. If you experience various problems such as infection, itching and discharge, you can immediately consult your specialist doctor. Thus, we convey that the problems you experience in the genital area will be permanently resolved. Instead of hiding these situations, which will cause you serious psychological harm, you should seek solutions. The surgical methods to be performed depend on the type of your problems. After the operations, you will be able to successfully complete the treatment processes you need to follow at home.

What should be considered for Genital Surgery (Aesthetics)?

Your doctor will best determine how the operation will be performed. Labiaplasty is performed if the lips are large or small, while Labium application is used to shape thicker and fuller parts. You should learn what you need to pay attention to in order to get rid of sagging and discharge problems that people experience due to aging or various reasons. There are different recommendations depending on the types of procedures to be performed. Your doctor will give you the necessary information about the rules you must follow before the intervention. You must comply with some prohibitions during the 2-month period when you will return to your daily life.

What should be taken into consideration after Genital Surgery (Aesthetics) operation?

To be applied to the patient Genital Surgery (Aesthetics) After the procedure, sexual intercourse should not be attempted for a certain period of time. The risk of complications is very low for people who act in accordance with this ban for a period of approximately 2 months. We state that if you have sexual intercourse too early in this process, applying pressure will have inefficient results for the injured area.

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