- Length of Hospital Stay: Not Required
- Operation Time: 6-8 Hours
- Anesthesia: Local
- Recovery Time: 6-12 Months
Bichectomy is one of the aesthetic operations preferred by people who aim for an ideal facial appearance. This operation is performed to make facial features more proportional. In some cases, even if the person is at the ideal weight, he or she may appear overweight due to the amount of fat on the face. The fat tissue in the middle area of the cheeks is called buccal fat tissue. This fatty tissue, which is anatomically located in the lower region of the cheekbones, is located between the facial muscles and is thought to contribute to sucking functions in babies. However, with the aging process, buccal fat tissue generally tends to decrease. Buccal fat tissue is considered an important element of facial aesthetics. As a result of the growth of this tissue, facial lines may become rounded, cheeks may sag, and a baby face appearance may occur. Removing the fatty tissue on the cheeks, this procedure known as "partial buccal lipectomy", is considered an important surgical intervention in terms of facial features and aesthetics. Fat pads inside the cheeks can make a person look overweight or old.Who is Bichectomy Suitable for?Bichectomy can be performed on people of all ages and genders, but the lower age limit generally considered appropriate for the operation is 25. In individuals under this age, the effect of the operation may not be more obvious as the facial features have not yet been established. Bichectomy can be applied to people who have excess fat on the cheeks, have unclear facial features, appear chubby, overweight, or have thick facial lines. The operation is performed by targeting the golden ratio and the person's facial features become sharper, cheekbones and chin become prominent. Suitable candidates for this plastic surgery usually have the following characteristics:
- being physically healthy
- Having a healthy body weight
- Having a round and full face structure
- Being realistic about post-operative expectations
- not using tobacco